the Monday, August 15

Some things are too hot to bear

These things include:

The ever-beautiful Angelina Jolie

Eva Longoria from Desperate Housewives

Estella Warren, model and budding actress

Holy God, Tiffany Taylor, college student

Mariah Carey's cover art

Devon, pornstar

Jared Leto may be a guy... but he's hot.

His female counterpart in Requiem

The curvy Monica Bellucci, Matrix Reloaded


Anonymous Anonymous said...

half of those pictures aren't even hot. you suck.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea you best get my picture up there right away or no naked porn nite!!!!

9:37 PM  
Blogger Courtney C Johnson said...

You do realize that Monica Belucci isn't really that curvy...haven't you heard of graphic restructuring? They do that all the time so that women will look "perfect" on print & film. Duh, Sam. And I'm a girl, and I don't think Jared Leto is hot. And Ew! That model girl thing looks like really scary or something. How do you sleep at night? Eugh!

7:31 AM  

What are you thinking?

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