Reviews: March of the Penguins and Neuromancer
I'd heard great reviews of this movie but was still skeptical about how great a penguin documentary could really be. I enjoyed Winged Migration and all, but it wasn't spectacular. This movie wasn't either. But it was pretty amazing. It claims to be a film about love, but its more a movie that tells everything there is to know about penguins. Seriously. Their surroundings are so plain and bleak that they are the simplest creatures alive.
The Antarctic consists of ice, fish, birds, penguins, water, and wind. That's it. Think of like, a monkey or something. They have 1000's of plants around, 1000's of insects, rain, wind, heat, cold, predators, prey, mammals, reptiles, etc. Antarctica doesn't even have weather, it appears. Just wind and no wind. So in 90 minutes, the movie really explained all of what penguins do. Because there is nothing else to do. All the things they do do (eat, get eaten, mate), they do very little of. Not many predators, not much prey, and when they do eat, its once every few months. So they rarely ever poop even. And when they mate? HOw many babies? One. Just one. No more. Ridiculous. The movie was about the marching though, which was awesome. And there was great shots of baby penguins, and penguins falling over. So it was really good. Go see it. You have nothing better to do.
Also, Neuromancer, a novel by William Gibson, was amazing. His writing is somewhat painful to get through, but its still really incredible. Its one of the first cyberpunk literature (The Matrix, Johnny Mnemonic, Ghost in the Shell). Incredible read about the technology enhanced future. Awesome read.

Labels: Movies
Don't be hating on the penguins Sam. If you want some cyberpunk lit. check out Neal Stephenson, especially Snow Crash.
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