the Saturday, July 9

The Scariest Night of my Life

So Sunday, July 3, 2005 at 3:30 in the morning was the scariest thirty seconds of my life so far, and I imagine my life for years to come unless I am actually murdered. That might be scarier.

My aunt was out of town for the weekend so I was house sitting and because of fireworks and thunderstorms, I was encouraged to stay the nights so that the dogs would not be scared and alone. So on July 2nd, Nick and Colleen and I stayed the night. We all slept in the master bed together, retiring at about 1 AM. At 3:30, I woke up very very suddenly, so that I don't remember actually waking up or even getting out of bed. But I had gotten out of bed because Colleen had woken up screaming Bloody Murder. I'm dead serious. It wasn't a shrill silly scream. It wasn't a scream suppressed in any way. This is the scream one would produce if you were being stabbed to death, or raped by five men, or skinned alive. So I woke up and started running around the room trying to calm her down. The room was pitch black and she was running around, banging into the walls and such. Whenever I got a hold of her, she would push me away and keep screaming. I don't remember what I was telling her, but Nick tells me it was "It's OK. It's OK." She finally (after what Nick says was maybe 30 seconds) runs into the hallway and into my cousins' bedroom, where she crashes into the hamper and I turn on the light. She turns around and I can tell she is slowly realizing what she was doing and I can tell she is scared shitless. So Nick asks if we're ok. He had been sitting up in the bed (not able to see anything, but not knowing what to do because Colleen was screaming and I was saying "It's OK."). I say yes and we all walk into the living room and turn on the lights. I sat there staring at nothing for more than a minute because I was so scared. We talked about it and Colleen recalled seeing a figure walking around the bed which got me even more scared. She then told us that was in a dream and when she was running around, she was still dreaming, because she thought I was chasing her, trying to kill her, and thinking I was a zombie. When I turned on that light, she had woken up. We all looked around the house for any intruders just in case. And went back to bed at 5:30. I've never been more scared in my life, and neither have Colleen or Nick.

I saw Land of the Dead the next night. Ha ha. But seriously, scariest night I will ever experience.
