the Thursday, August 4

The world and how it changes

So... I was talking to my dad today about how he hates tattoos and doesn't understand why anyone would ever get a tattoo of any sort anywhere on their bodies and it was my duty as a wild teenager to explain it to him.

Aside from that, I find it interesting how the world is, in my humble opinion, becoming more and more tolerant of everything, but especially three things: body alteration/decoration, race/gender, and sex. My dad thinks people who get tattoos are crazy. But what about my mom, who has ear piercings? Who were the first women to pierce their ears? Their moms were pissed off, I guarantee. They asked themselves "What is the world coming to? when our daughters enjoy mutilating their ears and hanging gems from the gauged holes." People who had tattoos would not be hired at elementary schools as recently as 20 years ago. Yet now many of my coworkers have visible tattoos at the elementary school. Surely I will not worry about my children getting tattoos and breast implants at age 16 but instead I will put my foot down at tongue-splitting. They will of course allow tongue-splitting but ban full-body tattoos.

My parents gawk at teen girls with shorts I consider to be normal length. Their parents gawked at dresses higher than the knee. Their parents gawked at dresses higher than the calf. I will of course, allow my daughters short shorts and thongs at age 12, but they will want to wear bikinis to school. Im not even joking.

Race/gender is simple. Black people are free from slavery, women are free to vote, Indians are allowed casinos, gays are allowed marriage in 3-4 countries. Its progressive. Sooner or later we will have a president who is ethnic, gay, female, or something else minoritied. I also think that soon after gay marriage is legalized, bigamy and polygamy will follow suit. Perhaps not in the Church, but in the Government. Trust me.

Sex is ridiculous as well. Supposedly their is a law in NJ forbidding holding hands of an unmarried couple in public. Now two thirds of the people I consider friends have experienced "friends with benefits." This isn't just happening yet forbidden, its becoming more accepted. I remember reading in Grapes of Wrath about old women bitching out the kids because when they danced, they held hands. They "knew" that those kids were going to hell for those sins. Nowadays fucking priests are being forgiven for raping little boys. People dance with their hips instead of their hands. Its all a bunch of crap and soon people will dance with less and less clothes and sexual activity will not be just commonplace in clubs and dance halls, but accepted, expected, and encouraged.

I think the world is turning out to be a beautiful place.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you're turning out to be a beautiful place.

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the real question is, "when will sex swings become accepted?"

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the stupid puritians' fault. but some day indoor nudity will be a-ok.

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*stretched* lobes. A "guage" is a term of measurement.
Read: "My lobes are stretched to a 2 gauge"

Bikini? Oh, fuck no. I predict either full nuidty; or the covering up with tree leaves, or a resurgance of victorian era clothes.

1:53 PM  

What are you thinking?

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