the Tuesday, July 4

Top 10 Horror Movies I Have

Oh yeah, and let me clarify here. I'm using IMDb's ratings and genres. Their genres are more like the tags of Flickr or Gizmodo or . Each movie can belong to several of them. Many of these were not listed as primarily a horror movie (especially including Predator, King Kong, and Aliens). They are still listed as horror movies though. And if they make the cut for best Action or Adventure or Sci-Fi movies, they'll be listed there too. In the second column, I only included movies that were listed primarily or secondarily as Horror.
Horror in GeneralPrimarily or Secondarily Horror

10. Predator
9. Saw (Uncut Edition)
8. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
7. Evil Dead II
6. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
5. Night of the Living Dead (Black & White)
4. Shaun of the Dead
3. King Kong (1933)
2. The Exorcist (Director's Cut)
1. Aliens

10. 28 Days Later
9. Ringu
8. Dawn of the Dead (2004)
7. The Omen (Special Edition) (1976)
6. Predator
5. Saw (Uncut Edition)
4. Night of the Living Dead (Black & White)
3. Shaun of the Dead
2. The Exorcist (Director's Cut)
1. Aliens

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Blogger ianovich said...

Wait, what? Sorry Sam, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. Predator, Vampire Hunter D, and King Kong are definitely not horror movies. They are action/adventure movies. You should replace them with, oh, 28 Days Later, The Thing, and Alien. I'm tempted to dispute Shaun of the Dead too, becuase it had so many comic elements, but I'll let it slide. Cheerio!

12:55 AM  

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