the Saturday, June 3

i dont get some people

people will never learn. no matter how many tragic and touching books are written about the holocaust, people in africa will still machete-genocide. women will never understand that pushing a baby through your vagina is not the same as passing a tennis ball through a penis.

i went to a cpr for idiots class today and there were all these idiots in there. people who's kids had drowned cuz they went inside for "30 seconds to get a coke." people who thought vomitting was the absolute funniest subject in the world. and people who said that giving birth is like passing a tennis ball through your penis. What The Fuck?!? Do you know what would happen if someone pushed a tennis ball through thier urethra, it would absolutely shred it apart and they would die minutes later of excessive bleeding. the urethra is not meant to stretch to fit a tennis ball. the vagina, however, is horome-induced to stretch, a lot, to give a baby. thats why some women have 13 babies. they can. GAH!