the Wednesday, May 17


I decided to show you guys the most amazing videos online (that I've seen, obviously). None of these are ebaum's world crap, or albinoblacksheep crap, or college humor crap. I think more high schoolers than college kids look at college humor. Anyway, here they are:

The best street climbing video I've ever seen
Extreme Martial Arts performed by break dancers, martial artists, and stuntmen.
Best break dance.
Ganondorf hits the bag 11,000 Ft.
Highly amusing Smash Bros. video.
Shined Blind.
Everyone's favorite, Chrono Trigger, in 4 hours.

Hmm... I'll have a few more later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you forgot the Warcraft 3 music video. Haha, we're nerds.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this shit out.

1:45 PM  

What are you thinking?

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