the Sunday, June 25

First YouTube Video Post

These kids are terrible. And kickass.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You jackass, can't you see that those kids are clearly doing a satire on the classic "nerd high school clique?" I mean, no one really says things like "how many parties have you been to that haven't been hosted by the school or parents?" It's just ridiculous.

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, mr. anonymous, if that is your real name, don't call my buddy Sam a jackass. He is awesome. He was those kids at one point, although I know he has been to parties that were hosted by entities other than the school or parents. But he knows, and you are just denigrating him by denying the existence of people like him.

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen buddy, those kids are CLEARLY doing a parody here. The fingers on the keyboard do not match up with the action onscreen, showing that what was happening onscreen was just a prerecorded playthrough of that song so the young men in question could manufacture authenticity as they went through their glorious caricature.

12:46 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Hey anonymous fucktard. those kids DID do that cuz people that nerdy DO exist. It IS ridiculous, but its true. Go to a 400 level math class with Conrad shitface, the Honors President at UA. THEY EXIST. Also, the fingers and video DO match up, and i know someone who can do it that fast, so it's completely viable as well. Get a life, shmuck.

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, Conrad's girlfriend is hot.

3:17 PM  

What are you thinking?

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