Uninteresting idiom
"the rich get richer and the poor get poorer"
i hope no one thinks this is a profound statement. the rich are generally rich because they have high paying jobs. therefore, yes, they get richer with those same salaries. the poor get (relatively) poorer because they dont have high paying jobs.
was this confusing for anyone?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Sam, you're a goddamn idiot. I love you man, I really do, but consult with your roommate just once before you post something completely boneheaded.
We live in America, which is supposed to be the land of opportunity. Everyone has a chance to make it in America, right? Well, not so much. For the past decade or two the discrepency in income and wealth between the upper and lower classes in America has grown ever wider, so it is not just "people with more money get more money because they earn it," it is more like "the rich take an ever increasing percentage of America's total wealth away from the rest of Americans through political manipulations that are unavailable to people of the middle and lower classes." The saying in question is really more of a statement of how economic disparity without redistribution efforts tends to perpetuate and increase, which is not what we, as an ideally classless or middle class society, want to happen. Thus, the statement "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer" is still relevant and meaningful as a sort of call to arms to fight the political disenfranchisement of the middle and lower classes in America.
What are you thinking?
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