the Friday, April 14

Old games aren't as great as you think.

Everyone loves to reminisce (sp) about the amazing games you played as a kid. My favorite game of all time may even be Final Fantasy III for the Super Nintendo. This is the appeal that Nintendo is trying to use for the upcoming Nintendo Revolution. But really, I don't think old games are as great as you think.

Being able to play old games in the now is nothing new. For as long as the Super Nintendo has been out, you can buy a Super Nintendo. But no one really does. Sure, you have a story about your friend in Texas who just bought a Super Nintendo, or your girlfriend's roommate, or maybe even you have one in a closet somewhere. But aside from those scattered examples, people buy new games. People buy new systems.

If the games from yesteryear are so much cooler than the new Xbox 360 games, then why aren't you willing to pay $25 (1/8 the price of an Xbox) for a "superior" system? The games are never more than $20 each; thats half the price of an Xbox game.

Don't get excited over a $100+ gaming system because it can play your old Nintendo games. Get excited about the $25 Super Nintendo at Bookman's down the street.