the Saturday, March 18

Alright, I have another great idea

If only I had $1,000,000 to put these into action, like the iFük.

So, here we go. Phones have limited voice recognition. What for? just to call people? "Call Ted"? That's it? There are so many more uses that could be implemented. Not in the future, TODAY. The technology is here today! How about this?

Picture this. I have my Smartphone/PDA/Origami attatched at my hip, right? When it's time to close Highland Market at night, I say outloud "Phone Todo List Highland" and my phone says back "Todo List 'Highland' Open." The word "Highland" is simply a playback of what I have said aloud. My phone doesnt need to know what it is, it just repeats what I said when I created the list. The same holds for everything in single quotes. So, again:

Me: "Phone Todo List Highland."
Phone: "Todo List 'Highland' Open."
Me: "Read 5 items."
Phone: "Item 1: 'Close Soft Serve'. Item 2: 'Close Sode Fountain'. Item 3: 'Stock Walk-In'. Item 4: 'Straighten Shelves'. Item 5: 'Lock Doors'."
Me: "(mumbles) ok i did the soft serve and locked the doors. (aloud) Check Item 1. Check Item 5."
Phone: "Item 1 Checked. Item 5 Checked."
Me: "Read next 5 items."
Phone: "Item 6: 'Close Coffee Shop'. Item 7: 'Replace Deli Mats'. Item 8: 'Sweep Aisles'. Item 9: 'Move Dining Tables'. Item 10: 'Sweep Dining Area'."
Me: "Uh... Check Item 7 and Check Item 9."
Phone: "Item 7 Checked. Ite---"
Me: "Add Item."
Phone: "Describe Item."
Me: "Clean Grill. Stop."
Phone: "Item 13 Added: 'Clean Grill'."

Etc etc. Holy shit. Think of all the applications for that! You could type up a list of things to pack for a camping trip on ur computer, then transfer it to ur PDA where it can Text-To-Speech it all as a list that you can check off. This wouldnt be hard to do. How come no one has done it??? More on this later.