the Sunday, February 5

Moby has a point

Here's a quote from his "journal" (blog):

apple being sued over ipods?
because you can go deaf if you listen to them too loud-ly?
that is absurd, right?
can i sue the maker of a chair because if i drop the chair on my head i might get injured?
since when are corporations supposed to protect us from our own stupidity?
maybe i'll sue apple because the back of my old ipod is shiny and if i were to take it into the sun it might reflect the sun back into my face and temporarily blind me, potentially causing an epileptic fit.
in the future all products will be made out of rubber with no moving parts.
corporations should be held responsible for malfeasance, but our litigious society seems to have gotten completely out of hand.
oi vey.

Anyways, half of the information given us at CPR training yesterday was how to cover yourself from getting sued. *sigh*