the Thursday, February 2

If I had $1,000,000...

It's interesting to think about what you would do with $1,000,000. Not general "What would you spend it on?" crap. But how would your day to day life change? How much would you change? ie: Would you eat differently? Here are a few answers I have:

Would I eat differently? I think most of my diet would stay the same: cereal, energy drinks, coffee. I would certainly eat more sushi. I would still eat at Losbetos because I love their horchata. And I would call Monster and buy several packs of their 24oz cans.

Would I dress differently? I wouldn't change my day-to-day wear except that I would buy a new pair of socks for every day of my life. Maybe new jeans, new shoes, jackets. But a t-shirt is a t-shirt.

Would I pay for things for other people? Not really. I would pay my brothers' ways through college if they kept jobs. So maybe I would just pay tuition and housing or something.

Would I buy a luxury car? I don't know. I'd certainly buy a new car. But I think I would like something basic, like a Honda Civic or F-150 or something. I would still want a car with good gas efficiency.

Would I travel more and stay in nicer hotels? I would definitely travel more. I think I'd stay in the standard hotels unless I was in Vegas. You have to live it up in Vegas.

Comment with how you would live differently?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, about that fuel efficiency... the EPA says that a ford F-150 gets 16/20 mpg, giving it an environmental score of 0 out of 10 for the v8 and 3/10 for the v6. Just wanted to make that little point.

As for the point of your post, I would probably buy new shoes more often than I currently do, i.e. before my current pair falls apart. And I would tip 20% all the time.

12:33 AM  

What are you thinking?

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