the Sunday, January 22

Sharing Technology

I get frustrated with the fact that so many awesome technologies are seen only in individual programs or small software. These include:

deviantART's and facebook's search features (though these could even be expanded) - These should be implimented in other programs that use databases, such as e-mail and address books.

iTunes's Smart Playlist feature. This should be used in Explorer, e-mail, address books, and photo organizers such as Picasa.

iTune's, mytunes, and Firefox's real-time as-you-type search function. This should be used in Explorer, e-mail, address books.

Firefox's and several other browser's and software's tabbed views. This should be implemented everywhere: iTunes, Explorer. It is already in Path Finder 4. I love that.

I wish these technologies were shared better, or developed faster by alternate fields. Damn, oh well.

As well, iTunes could use some better features. I'd like multiple entry capabilities. Such as two genres (a song can be Techno and Trance, or Metal and Power Metal.) or multiple artists (such as "Yeah" by Usher, Lil' John, and Ludacris). so that when you sort by artist, it comes up when you scroll to any of the names. Secondly, the Smart Playlists could be more brilliant than they are now. They need and/or features. I want my ghetto smartlist to be ( Genre = "Hip Hop" OR Genre = "Rap" ) AND Rating > "3 Stars." Or better yet. (Genre = "Hip Hop" AND Rating > "3 Stars" ) OR (Genre = "Rap" AND Rating > "4 Stars"). I dunno. Someday. And they need more video types than Movie and Music Video. They sell TV Episodes for Christ's sake.