the Friday, December 30


I always get annoyed with compound words or hyphenated words that look like its made out of two separate words, but its not. like egg nog. there are no other nogs. there is only egg nog. therefore "egg nog" is not two separate words combined to mean something different, its just another word that has nothing to do with its two components.

and christmas eve. people think that "eve" means the day before. it doesn't. because only an idiot would apply it to anything. you dont have a birthday eve. you dont have black friday eve. you dont have 911 eve. you only have christmas eve, all hallow's eve, and new years eve. i dont even think there is a chinese new years eve. cuz the chinese aren't dumb like that.

and a lot of idioms. i can't think of a lot right now... maybe i'll do an update. but "certifiably insane." sounds like a smart phrase cuz certifiably is a big word. but its not even a word that you could use anywheres else. you don't call someone certifiably clever, or certifiably blonde. maybe its kinda cutesy to say one of those, but only because it is a modification of "certifiably insane." they just bug me. i'll think of more.

how about "aforementioned" nothing else can be "afore"'d. you can't have an aforebought shirt or an aforecolored hair. its lame.

i dont know why these things piss me off. honestly i dont. but it does.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, I love you man, but you're an idiot sometimes. Stick to math or get a dictionary.

3:07 AM  

What are you thinking?

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