the Saturday, December 3

Why Nice Guys Finish Last

I think that I've finally figured it out. After talking to many men and women about the subject, I feel that I have pinned it down with a very simple and accurate analogy.

Attractive guys are like food that tastes good.
Nice guys are like healthy food.

Everyone loves food that tastes good. Thats just a given. I'm not saying explicitly candy or ice cream. Cuz baby carrots and salad taste good. Its just that people typically eat food that tastes good, and then they may attempt to filter unhealthy food. So in deciding dinner they may narrow it down to "food that tastes good" ruling out beets and a bottle of chocolate syrup. They are left with ice cream and ravioli. From here they may choose ice cream, get sick, and make a mental note to eat ravioli next time.

Girls (and I imagine guys) do the same thing with men. They narrow down potential mates (say, at a party or in their group of friends or something) to the attractive ones (the ones that taste good). This is the set of date-able men. They date men and then break up with the not nice (unhealthy) ones, hopefully finally settling on "nice guys."

Now, that only explains the universe, not why nice guys finish last. The food analoy holds though. Most of the time, when cooking dinner, you will choose (from your good-tasting food) the unhealthier foods. Soda, chips, nuts, snack foods and stuff. After any negative results (stomach ache, weight gain, vomitting), you slowly learn to choose the healthier food. This is how people (and women) work.

I don't blame women at all for this any more. I would choose the nice guys last. It's hard to choose something with long-term benefits over short-term. There is something else about how the venn diagram of attractive guys and nice guys has a very small intersection of the two. I think. At least from the horror stories i hear from women. Maybe I'll refine this theory. But I like it for now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, I think this is a little simplistic. Where do mean ugly guys come into the equation? What are good looking people who are really nice too (like myself)? Are they guilt-free junk food, like natural Chee-tos? Because I love natural Chee-tos. You cretin.

9:14 AM  

What are you thinking?

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