the Monday, October 10

This weekend

This weekend was a little ridiculous. Sort of. Maia took me and Nikki home thursday, at like, 10 pm. Then we went to hookah at like 1 AM after I met some of Maia's hot friends. So hookah with three hot girls was fun as well. Then Friday I went to U of A vs. ASU women's vball. We womped on them. I've never seen a quick set in my life, and I almost orgasmed... several times. So then Friday we went to Last Chance with Maia and Meghan. Again, spending my time with hot girls (more importantly good friends). That night we went back to Jen's and sat around with a bunch of people, and there was drama and anthony chavez and we did crosswords till 3 am. So that was fun. Then Saturday night again we partied and that was the weekend. Sunday Maia drove me home. A little ridiculous. And again I change my ways of life. Live As Directed my friend.
