the Thursday, July 20

Mt. Whitney | Prologue

So... I took a lot of pictures on our Mt. Whitney trip but the cable to my camera is in Tucson. So there's not so many pictures available at the present moment.

For now, here is a small description of Lone Pine, CA. This is the town just below Mt. Whitney and as such they are largely a tourist town. It's one of those towns whose main (almost only) road is the highway. The town runs a good half mile down US 395 in California. I counted the buildings (commercial, on the hwy):

10 restaurants (including 2 bars, 1 mcdonalds, 1 carls jr)
9 motels (motels)
10 tourist/hiking/fishing shops
5 vacant lots
22 other regular townish shops (3 realties, 3 mystical shops, 1 grocery story, 1 drug store, 2 banks, 1 general store, 1 florist, 1 teriyaki bowl stand, 2 gas stations, 1 auto parts, 1 film museum, 1 high school, and 1 car wash)

There was one coffee shop that was of particular interest to me: a little new-agey coffee shop / internet cafe in this small traditional town that served herbal teas, protien smoothies and Bobas! Holy shit. Bobas. They were delish. I had a Taro and a Plum. Supporting local business.

More later, maybe pics.



Blogger Courtney C Johnson said...

Aww, it sounds like Willcox...with a lot more to do...

11:29 AM  

What are you thinking?

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