the Sunday, February 5

Moby has a point

Here's a quote from his "journal" (blog):

apple being sued over ipods?
because you can go deaf if you listen to them too loud-ly?
that is absurd, right?
can i sue the maker of a chair because if i drop the chair on my head i might get injured?
since when are corporations supposed to protect us from our own stupidity?
maybe i'll sue apple because the back of my old ipod is shiny and if i were to take it into the sun it might reflect the sun back into my face and temporarily blind me, potentially causing an epileptic fit.
in the future all products will be made out of rubber with no moving parts.
corporations should be held responsible for malfeasance, but our litigious society seems to have gotten completely out of hand.
oi vey.

Anyways, half of the information given us at CPR training yesterday was how to cover yourself from getting sued. *sigh*

the Thursday, February 2

If I had $1,000,000...

It's interesting to think about what you would do with $1,000,000. Not general "What would you spend it on?" crap. But how would your day to day life change? How much would you change? ie: Would you eat differently? Here are a few answers I have:

Would I eat differently? I think most of my diet would stay the same: cereal, energy drinks, coffee. I would certainly eat more sushi. I would still eat at Losbetos because I love their horchata. And I would call Monster and buy several packs of their 24oz cans.

Would I dress differently? I wouldn't change my day-to-day wear except that I would buy a new pair of socks for every day of my life. Maybe new jeans, new shoes, jackets. But a t-shirt is a t-shirt.

Would I pay for things for other people? Not really. I would pay my brothers' ways through college if they kept jobs. So maybe I would just pay tuition and housing or something.

Would I buy a luxury car? I don't know. I'd certainly buy a new car. But I think I would like something basic, like a Honda Civic or F-150 or something. I would still want a car with good gas efficiency.

Would I travel more and stay in nicer hotels? I would definitely travel more. I think I'd stay in the standard hotels unless I was in Vegas. You have to live it up in Vegas.

Comment with how you would live differently?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, about that fuel efficiency... the EPA says that a ford F-150 gets 16/20 mpg, giving it an environmental score of 0 out of 10 for the v8 and 3/10 for the v6. Just wanted to make that little point.

As for the point of your post, I would probably buy new shoes more often than I currently do, i.e. before my current pair falls apart. And I would tip 20% all the time.

12:33 AM  

What are you thinking?

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