the Friday, December 30

Willy Wonka

The new Willy Wonka is rated PG for "Quirky Situations, Action, and Mild Language." Those kooky ratings people.


I always get annoyed with compound words or hyphenated words that look like its made out of two separate words, but its not. like egg nog. there are no other nogs. there is only egg nog. therefore "egg nog" is not two separate words combined to mean something different, its just another word that has nothing to do with its two components.

and christmas eve. people think that "eve" means the day before. it doesn't. because only an idiot would apply it to anything. you dont have a birthday eve. you dont have black friday eve. you dont have 911 eve. you only have christmas eve, all hallow's eve, and new years eve. i dont even think there is a chinese new years eve. cuz the chinese aren't dumb like that.

and a lot of idioms. i can't think of a lot right now... maybe i'll do an update. but "certifiably insane." sounds like a smart phrase cuz certifiably is a big word. but its not even a word that you could use anywheres else. you don't call someone certifiably clever, or certifiably blonde. maybe its kinda cutesy to say one of those, but only because it is a modification of "certifiably insane." they just bug me. i'll think of more.

how about "aforementioned" nothing else can be "afore"'d. you can't have an aforebought shirt or an aforecolored hair. its lame.

i dont know why these things piss me off. honestly i dont. but it does.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, I love you man, but you're an idiot sometimes. Stick to math or get a dictionary.

3:07 AM  

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the Monday, December 26

Wikipedia 5

0n3]] Balkanization - Interesting word.
Tw0]] Finlandization - More interesting word.
Thr33]] Gerrymandering - Funny picture.
F0ur]] Internet phenomenon - Its amazing how many of these I know of.
F1v3]] Homestar Runner Wiki - I love wikis!
51x]] Interrobang - I need to use this more in everyday life.
53v3n]] GIF - Who knew?

the Sunday, December 25

Wikipedia 3

Un]] Cyberpunk - The genre.
Due]] Erik the Red - This man is fucking crazy.
Tre]] Ido - The constructed language.
Quattro]] Patronymic - When you take your father's name.
Cinque]] Snap Bracelet - This actually is a bad article. But you can help expand it!
Sei]] Klingon Language - *Sigh* nerds.

MathWorld News: 43rd Mersenne Prime Found

Holy shit. #43 is found. Amazing. 2^30,402,457 -1 is prime! Luckily this prime only has 9,152,052 decimal digits and I can still find the first 10 million digit prime.


the Friday, December 23

Wikipedia 2

Ein]] American Idiot - The rock opera.
Zwei]] The Devil - This man is fucking crazy.
Drei]] Dodo Bird - It's dead.
Vier]] Nape Piercing - These are fun.
Fünf]] Dead Sea Scrolls - I didn't know anything about these.
Sechs]] Market Capitalization - I never knew what this was.
Sieben]] J D Salinger - Silly man.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the nape piercing article it says that the piercings are made of tygon, which, as everyone knows, is a cross between a tiger and a lion. Must be one heck of an expensive habit.

1:43 PM  

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the Tuesday, December 20

The Other Side Trailer

This movie doesn't look too bad. I am notorious for never disliking a film, but... still. It's about this guy who is murdered, goes to hell, but escapes it somehow. So a few other people escape it too, and they try and help him avenge his girlfriend's death while avoiding these three "reapers" sent from hell to bring them back. Looks new, thats all.

Read more at www.entertheotherside.c...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, that looks freakin' lo-budget. Not to diss on the low budget films, but for a film like that with emphasis on action, a special effects budget of more than what I could find in my sofa cushions might not be a bad thing.

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? I don't think it looks lo-budg. I think it looks cool.

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah. it doesn't look low budget to me. it doesn't look like a big-budget star wars movie, of course, but they had to have some $$$ to do some of those stunts!

8:19 AM  

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the Friday, December 16

A Talk to Google's Larry Page in 2038

This mock interview is pretty hilarious. The author was very clever and inventive. I recommend it as a fun quick read. Especially if you are obsessed with Google.



the Wednesday, December 14

Wikipedia 1

Uno]] Nimitz class aircraft carrier - These things are fucking crazy. They're so damn big.
Dos]] Theodore Roosevelt - This man is fucking crazy.
Tres]] Cannibal Holocaust - This movie is fucking crazy.
Quatro]] Leper colony - These are fun.
Cinco]] Swinging - This is actually really interesting.
Seis]] Ivy League - This has a lot of things I didn't know about the Ivy League.
Siete]] Interstate 10 - is 2460 miles long. Wow.

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Wikipedia 1

Here are my first k Wikipedia pages of the [time period it takes for me to post some new Wikipedia pages]. And they will be numbered like... THIS:

Un]] History of Video Games - Did you know we are now in the seventh era?
Deux]] Gerund - Do you know what that is?
Trois]] Horchata - Actually not entirely informative.
Quatre]] Washington D.C. - The silliest place in the US.
Cinq]] Google - The most amazing company alive!
Six]] Knuth's up-arrow notation - A really fun math gem.

So that's the first six. Cuz... six is a perfect number.

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the Friday, December 9

Anyone read RedBlue? no? Well here's my rebuttal.

So in RedBlue there was a little article on how the new 5G iPod sucks. Here is my rebuttal:

Someone needs to put a little more thought when judging new technology. Does Mr.McConville own a new 5G iPod? Did he interview anyone who owned one? No. Maybe he should play with one of these before he torches it. Alright, now for some positive information. I own a new Fifth Generation iPod. He is my new best friend. Here are some quick numbers: I've already loaded him up with 5000 songs, 800 pictures, my Contacts and Calendar, 100 music videos, 2 TV episodes, and 1 full-length film. He's only half full at 28 GB. I plan to lose 20 lbs very soon as I chug away on the treadmill at the gym while watching my favorite shows and movies on the crystal clear and very bright screen. I don't understand McConville's argument about paying for TV shows: "Network TV is supposed to be a free medium." No it isn't. Advertisements. Do you think that because songs are "free" on the radio, you shouldn't have to pay for them in the store. If a movie plays on a Saturday Night on NBC, should you be able to take it out of the video store for free? That's probably the least thought-out argument I've ever read. Because the download of a TV episode does not come with the interim advertisements, you pay for it, just like a CD or DVD. The same holds for downloading music videos. Secondly, did you think that the five currently-available shows will be the only ones available ever? That Apple isn't writing agreements with other networks? Let me check right now... Ah, Apple has already added to the station line-up: NBC, Scifi, and USA. They'll certainly stop there though. That's all for sure. And you know what? You don't have to buy the videos or episodes anyways. It is no secret that the iPod's largest audience (young adults including those in college) downloads music as much as they drink underage. It's hardly a step further to download music videos, TV shows, and movies. Re-encoding them into the iPod video format (320x240 MPEG-4) takes very little searching online (I use Videora iPod Converter, Google it). With a little effort, you can enjoy the new iPods a lot more than you think. Here's to passing time in lectures, heading to the Rec daily, and falling asleep to Lord of the Rings.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

spectacular argument sammy boy!

2:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want an ipod.

12:28 PM  

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the Thursday, December 8


I have recompiled the list of the environments at which girls are their hottest and/or cutest. These were never in order. And they still aren't. So really I'm just adding... three things I think. But it's an update. Comment.

13. Singing German (ie Silbermond)
12. Sleeping. No exceptions
11. Benching. Call it weird. But the only girls I have seen bench are pretty damn hot
10. Being young moms (Edit: not teenage; mid 20's)
9. Driving a cute car
8. Workin' Out at the rec
7. 311 Concerts (or so I've been told)
6. General Existing at the beach
5. Playing Volleyball
4. Pajamas (or other nightwear)
3. Tanning at the beach
2. Snowboarding (often donning very rosy cheeks)
1. Surfing at the beach


the Saturday, December 3

Why Nice Guys Finish Last

I think that I've finally figured it out. After talking to many men and women about the subject, I feel that I have pinned it down with a very simple and accurate analogy.

Attractive guys are like food that tastes good.
Nice guys are like healthy food.

Everyone loves food that tastes good. Thats just a given. I'm not saying explicitly candy or ice cream. Cuz baby carrots and salad taste good. Its just that people typically eat food that tastes good, and then they may attempt to filter unhealthy food. So in deciding dinner they may narrow it down to "food that tastes good" ruling out beets and a bottle of chocolate syrup. They are left with ice cream and ravioli. From here they may choose ice cream, get sick, and make a mental note to eat ravioli next time.

Girls (and I imagine guys) do the same thing with men. They narrow down potential mates (say, at a party or in their group of friends or something) to the attractive ones (the ones that taste good). This is the set of date-able men. They date men and then break up with the not nice (unhealthy) ones, hopefully finally settling on "nice guys."

Now, that only explains the universe, not why nice guys finish last. The food analoy holds though. Most of the time, when cooking dinner, you will choose (from your good-tasting food) the unhealthier foods. Soda, chips, nuts, snack foods and stuff. After any negative results (stomach ache, weight gain, vomitting), you slowly learn to choose the healthier food. This is how people (and women) work.

I don't blame women at all for this any more. I would choose the nice guys last. It's hard to choose something with long-term benefits over short-term. There is something else about how the venn diagram of attractive guys and nice guys has a very small intersection of the two. I think. At least from the horror stories i hear from women. Maybe I'll refine this theory. But I like it for now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, I think this is a little simplistic. Where do mean ugly guys come into the equation? What are good looking people who are really nice too (like myself)? Are they guilt-free junk food, like natural Chee-tos? Because I love natural Chee-tos. You cretin.

9:14 AM  

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Willy Wonka
Wikipedia 5
Wikipedia 3
MathWorld News: 43rd Mersenne Prime Found
Wikipedia 2
The Other Side Trailer
A Talk to Google's Larry Page in 2038
Wikipedia 1
Wikipedia 1
Anyone read RedBlue? no? Well here's my rebuttal.
Why Nice Guys Finish Last