the Saturday, June 4

My New Blog

I got a blog. Deal with it. I won't post about my personal or emotional life or any crap like that. I'm out of high school. I'll probably just post interesting things on this, maybe rant, but not about girls or crap. I mostly got this for experimenting, before I get an actual site going in a year or so. Blogger is owned by Google, making it automatically a beautiful thing. That's it for now. I'm gonna go customize how this "feels."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blog sucks.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you're not going to post about girls? This blog blows already! At least do a Friday Random Ten or Twelve with a self audit. See norbizness if you don't know what I'm talking about.

7:15 PM  

What are you thinking?

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